The following Resoltion B013 was passed by The General Convention of The Episcopal Church to continue the work APLM is leading on Baptismal Theology:
Resolved, the House of _______ concurring, That the 76th General Convention of The Episcopal Church commend the Presiding Bishop for convening, with Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission, a national consultation on baptismal theology in October 2007, representative of bishops, theologians, liturgists, Christian educators, parish priests and justice advocates and inclusive of the diversity of this Church; and be it further
Resolved, That the 76th General Convention further commend the national baptismal theology consultation for identifying areas and resources needed to implement fully the baptismal theology of the Book of Common Prayer in the life of the Church; and be it further
Resolved, That the 76th General Convention commend the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops and the Colloquium of North American Anglican Liturgists for their meeting in January 2008, for identifying together the needs of the Church in ongoing baptismal formation and ministry and formation in Episcopal identity; and be it further
Resolved, That the 76th General Convention urge the national consultation on baptismal theology to continue its work in the next triennium and provide to the next General Convention educational resources for formation in Episcopal identity and rites to celebrate that identity, educational resources for training the baptized for leadership positions in the Church and rites for entering leadership positions, and any proposed revisions to the canons to conform them to the baptismal theology of the Book of Common Prayer.
The 75th General Convention in 2006 considered resolutions from the Dioceses of Connecticut, Northern Michigan, and California which called for conforming the Canons to the baptismal theology of the Book of Common Prayer. The cognate Committees on Liturgy and Music of the respective houses expanded the original diocesan resolutions to call for a national consultation on baptismal theology representative of bishops, theologians, liturgists, Christian educators, parish priests and justice advocates and inclusive of the diversity of the Church. The consultation was to prepare educational resources for formation in Episcopal identity, training programs for certification for leadership positions in the Church, and any revisions to the Canons to conform them to the theology of the Prayer Book. While Convention did not complete action on that resolution, the Presiding Bishop, working with Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission, convened a national consultation on baptismal theology in October 2007 that met the composition of the resolution. An agenda was identified to accomplish the work and task forces created to accomplish it. In January 2008, Bishop Henry Parsley and other members of the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops met with the Colloquium of North American Anglican Liturgists to identify the needs of the Church to implement the Prayer Book's baptismal theology. The national consultation on baptismal theology needs to continue its work in the next Triennium and bring its resources and recommendations to the 77th General Convention in 2012.
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