Thursday, June 10, 2010

Council Meeting

Your APLM Council meets this week, June 9-13, at Convent Station, NJ. The bulk of our work will focus on the recent Baptismal Consultation held in Shreveport, LA, and administered by APLM. We are excited about the excellent work accomplished by that gathering and look forward to building on its efforts.

During our time together this week, in addition to hearing from Consultation participants and following up on its reports and recommendations, Council will welcome a number of speakers.

Patrick Malloy of General Theological Seminary (GTS) will draw on his experience in Allentown, PA as he leads Council's ongoing reflection on the dynamic relationship that exists between vital sacramental worship and the baptismal call to do justice.

John Hill will speak to us on the relation of Baptism and Eucharist, the grammar of the sacraments and our changing experience of these celebrations.

Doctoral students from GTS and Drew University will share their research with us on topics such as the recent history of Holy Week in the Episcopal Church, the development and current state of catechumenal practice in the church, changing perspectives and patterns of funeral practice over the last 100 years, and the ongoing question of “Open Table" and the sharing in Communion by those who are not baptized.

And, as stated above, participants in the recent Baptismal Consultation will make presentations and lead us in discussion as we set about our work of supporting and following up on their efforts in anticipation of General Convention 2012.

Most of these talks will be recorded for later posting on web and Facebook pages.

You will receive regular updates on these sessions and other items of our Council agenda. We invite you to post comments on the listserv or on our Facebook group page. We ask for your prayers during the coming days.


Jay Koyle,

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